Title VI Indian Education Parent Committee Community Meeting October 11.
over 2 years ago, Joaquin Aguilar-Flores
Title VI Indian Education Meeting
KU Kids Night at Modoc Field Friday. Elementary school students will be allowed into the football game for $1.
over 2 years ago, Joaquin Aguilar-Flores
Kids night
Look to see what happened during the first week of school in this week's Friday News Flash: https://www.smore.com/d9bng
over 2 years ago, Joaquin Aguilar-Flores
News 9/9
Out of an abundance of caution in caring for the health and safety of our staff and students, Klamath Falls City Schools will be closed Friday, September 9, 2022. Klamath Falls is under an Air Quality Advisory until Saturday, September 10, 2022 due to the fires in Oregon. The KFCS elementary school buildings are cooled by outside air, with the Air Quality Advisory in place and the high temperature tomorrow, we have determined that it is in the best interest of our staff and students to close the school buildings Friday, September 9th. All athletic events in Klamath Falls Friday will be rescheduled. The district office will be open for business. KFCS Superintendent, Keith A. Brown
over 2 years ago, Joaquin Aguilar-Flores
Here is the first September edition of the KFCS Friday News Flash. Look inside for a message from Superintendent Keith A. Brown as he welcomes in the new school year.
over 2 years ago, Joaquin Aguilar-Flores
Sept 2 Newsletter 22
Look for the latest edition of KFCS Friday News Flash here: https://www.smore.com/5be2c-kfcs-friday-news-flash
over 2 years ago, Joaquin Aguilar-Flores
News flash
If you are unsure whether or not your student qualifies for bus transportation please click here: http://elink.kfalls.k12.or.us/elinkrp/Students/BasicTransBoundarySearch.aspx If your student qualifies for bus transportation, you will need to fill out the Transportation Registration form. Click here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScO0WQ5lTJcTIOwG1eJhp85ysN9LAl3-OrYSnLV4VOdN2nEWA/viewform
over 2 years ago, Joaquin Aguilar-Flores
Bus info
KU fall sports starts August 15. REGISTER TODAY! Click here to register: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PLUUZF06YiiD1IJuvUzUGfP4VPQw0GkK/view?usp=sharing
over 2 years ago, Joaquin Aguilar-Flores
KU fall sports registration
SUMMER CAMPS. Register today! Weekly camps - June 20 to August 19. Quality Activities: athletic camps, academic enrichment, camps for high school credit. To register, follow link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdWAUn1V3OgmcCyRvynKuFQUtLLW7W7779IUOJTx6dwarHAvQ/viewform
over 2 years ago, Joaquin Aguilar-Flores
Summer camps 7
Jump Start Pre-K Summer School August 8-19, M-F. An opportunity for students to get a "jump start" weeks before kindergarten. To register, follow link: https://form.jotform.com/KFCS/kfcs-jumpstart-pre-kindergarten
over 2 years ago, Joaquin Aguilar-Flores
Jump Start
Make a Splash Camp & Poetry Camp
over 2 years ago, Joaquin Aguilar-Flores
Summer camps 5
Summer camps 6
KFCS Friday News Flash Find the most recent newsletter from KFCS here: https://www.smore.com/93gbh
over 2 years ago, Joaquin Aguilar-Flores
Fri news
Here are some summer resources from our district counseling team at Klamath Union and Ponderosa
over 2 years ago, Joaquin Aguilar-Flores
Summer resources
Summer resources
Summer resources
Summer resources
SUMMER CAMPS Register today! Weekly Camps - June 20 to August 19 Quality Activities : Athletic camps, academic enrichment, camps for high school credit Register here: https://forms.gle/f1y6PYCCcM9Sz93o9
over 2 years ago, Joaquin Aguilar-Flores
Summer camps
Summer camps
Summer camps
Summer camps
KFCS increases graduation rates, looks for ways to continue improving Article link here: http://www.kfalls.k12.or.us/manage.numo?module=blog...
about 3 years ago, Klamath Falls City Schools
Ponderosa students win Veterans of Foreign Wars essay contest Story: http://www.kfalls.k12.or.us/manage.numo?module=blog... Veterans of Foreign Wars VFW
about 3 years ago, Klamath Falls City Schools
KLC and EagleRidge unite in CTE programs Find the story here: http://www.kfalls.k12.or.us/manage.numo?module=blog... Klamath Learning Center EagleRidge High School Klamath Community College (KCC)
about 3 years ago, Klamath Falls City Schools
Ponderosa Brings Hour of Code to Students Article link: http://www.kfalls.k12.or.us/manage.numo?module=blog...
about 3 years ago, Klamath Falls City Schools