Tanya Thornton - Payroll Lead

Loni Maynard - Accts. Payable

Kassidy Malone - Payroll & Benefits

Haylee Phillippi - Payroll Clerk
The KFCS Business & Financial Services team ensures fiscal integrity and accountability for the district's resources through internal controls and transparency. A skilled citizens' budget committee, collaborative partnership with employee groups, and dedicated departmental staff have provided long-term fiscal stability for the district and an outstanding credit rating. We are committed to high-quality, reliable, cost-efficient business services in support of students, community and staff.
Our Services Will:
Align with the District goals and strategies
Carry the highest professional and ethical standards
Encourage fiscal responsibility and accountability throughout the District
Focus on long-term sustainability and stability
Be transparent, timely and accurate
Provide excellent customer service
Promote collaboration, team-thinking, open communication, and respect throughout the organization