
OSPA Image

Oregon School Personnel Association (OSPA) is a membership organization that serves as a statewide hub for Oregon public school employees with personnel administration or related responsibilities. They create a strong network to amplify best practices, provide relevant training and help navigate the complexities of HR in the Oregon public education sector as a trusted resource. Our Human Resources Director, Renee Clark is a member in good standing.

Renee Clark


Director of Human Resources

1336 Avalon Street
Klamath Falls, OR 97603
Phone: 541-883-4702
Fax 541-883-4725

Hours 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

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Robin Sundseth


Administrative Assistant

Mary Holder

Mary Holder

HR Technician

Billi Victor


District Office Secretary


Welcome to the Klamath Falls City Schools Human Resources Department webpage. Thank you for your interest in our schools. Klamath Falls City Schools is committed to recruiting and cultivating exceptional talent to serve in the education of our community. Our commitment to our employees extends beyond the classroom to include professional development opportunities, training and achievement recognition.

The Human Resources Department serves nearly 500 Klamath Falls City Schools public employees including:

  • Administrators (principals, district leadership, managers, supervisors and confidential assistants);

  • Licensed teaching staff (teachers, counselors, nurses, school psychologists, speech therapists); and

  • Classified staff (custodial, educational assistants, maintenance, nutrition services, office staff and transportation)

Whether it's affordable healthcare options for employees and their families, the access to beneficial retirement programs, paid time off, or the professional development offerings, Klamath Falls City Schools employment goes beyond just a paycheck.

Commitment to Equal Opportunity Employment

The Klamath Falls City Schools recognizes that academic excellence is enhanced when students are exposed to a broad range of ideas, individuals, and experiences. It is therefore committed to a fundamental policy of providing equal opportunity for persons to seek, obtain, hold and be equally compensated for employment regardless of race, religion, age, color, sex, disability, political affiliation or national origin.