Steven Morton, Director


1440 Avalon Street
Klamath Falls, Oregon 97603

Hours 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Steven Morton, Director of IMTC
541-883-4756 ext. 1

Wesley Norton, Database, Assessments, etc.
541-883-4756 ext. 2

Nick Collins, Network Support
541-883-4756 ext. 3

Computer/Peripheral Support
& Help Desk


The goal of the Klamath Falls City Schools Instructional Media and Technology Department (IMTC) is to design, build, maintain, and enhance technology for our students and staff, enabling them to make efficient use of information technologies in their respective environments. 

The IMTC Department assesses new technologies and integrates them in innovative ways to support the District’s goal of increased academic performance for all students.

Our commitment is to enable the effective and efficient use of technology as part of the community's investment in educating children.

Student Information System

Chromebook Assistance

  • Re-enrolling Chromebook (If you encounter a Chromebook that has lost its settings and are prompted to connect the device to the WiFi, please follow the instructions in the video.

KFCS Staff User Assistance

The Klamath Falls City Schools is the home of the Norton Notifier, developed by Wesley Norton